Get Published (Part 2): Tips for Writing and Publishing Success

Last time, we talked about identifying your niche and the right site for you to write for. The process involves checking out the guest-posting guidelines, understanding what the site needs, and what their readers are looking for.

In this second part of our publishing success series, we will focus on what you can do before you pitch an idea to the site you want to write for. Yes, expect to do a lot of work, but it’s necessary if you don’t want to end up pitching titles that won’t be accepted. Recognizing early how your writing fits (or doesn’t) with a publication will save you time and effort.

Let’s take a look at how you can craft a standout pitch and some key details to consider when dealing with the site you hope to write for.

Get Published (Part 1): Finding The Right Site

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Get Published (Part 1): Finding The Right Site

Having one article published online is rewarding, but having multiple articles published is even more impressive. Interestingly, achieving… Read more

Craft a Standout Pitch

Want to pitch a title? Here are a few tips:

1. Give Sincere Compliments in Your Introduction

Compliments show the editor that you genuinely appreciate their publication, not just their ability to give you a byline. If you’ve been following them for a while, this should be easy.

For example, you can say, “I’m John Smith, a blogger with a passion for history. I read your article last month about the Jamestown mysteries, and I must say, I was impressed enough with it to visit the place for myself.

Email introduction exampleEmail introduction example

Remember: Be sincere. Insincerity will backfire on you.

2. Be Original with Your Idea

Your pitch may be good, but if there’s already a similar article published on the website, the editor may turn it down unless you can put a new spin on the topic that will still be interesting for the site’s readers.

Pitching a unique ideaPitching a unique idea
20 Things to Replenish Your Idea Vault (When You Run Out Of Ideas)

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20 Things to Replenish Your Idea Vault (When You Run Out Of Ideas)

This post is a reflection of my state of mind. As I am writing this, my mind has… Read more

3. Emphasize How Your Idea Will Benefit Site Readers

This strategy is especially helpful if you’re not the most experienced or well-known writer in the editor’s queue. After outlining your pitch, say something like, “I think this will benefit your readers because…

Or explain, in a sentence or two, how you’re going to gather information for the article (e.g., interviews, surveys, etc.) if your research will involve more than just regular online searches. You want to show the editor that you’re serious about your idea and committed to turning it into a full-blown article.

Explaining the scope of an ideaExplaining the scope of an idea
4. Include a Call to Action

As Rajiv has highlighted in his article on writing a professional query letter, editors often have tight schedules. Therefore, it’s essential to make your pitch email straightforward and easy to understand. Your submission should clearly indicate whether it’s a viable opportunity, eliminating any guesswork for the editor and making it easier for them to give you a quick response.

Always end your pitch with something like, “Let me know if this is a good fit for your publication” or “What do you think of this idea?“. If your title gets rejected, try to refrain from asking them what title will definitely be accepted for publication; that comes off as a little desperate and pushy. Instead, tell them you will write again with another pitch soon.

Call-to-action example in emailCall-to-action example in email

Iron Out the T&C and Payment Options

If the editor says “Yes” to your pitch, you’re likely doing a happy dance. If the answer is “No,” don’t fret. There are better uses for your rejected pitch. At this point, it’s your chance to prove that you’re a professional writer. This means you’re reliable, you know what you’re doing, and you’re easy to work with.

7 Insane Habits to Kill Your Freelance Writing Career

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7 Insane Habits to Kill Your Freelance Writing Career

It takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it. I am pretty sure the… Read more

How Much to Charge

This is also the point where you discuss payment with your editor. Don’t make the mistake of negotiating payment only after your post is accepted or after it is published. Things can get complicated if payment is discussed at such a late stage.

Sometimes, a website’s submission guidelines will specify how much they pay for an article or for different types of articles. Other times, they won’t. In the latter case, you’ll need to negotiate a reasonable rate for your work. What’s a “reasonable” rate? There’s no definitive answer to that question.

You can refer to the standard rate for similar publications. Estimate the time and effort required to write your article, consider your expertise, and calculate an appropriate fee based on that. While you’re at it, include any extra charges for revisions, just in case.

How to Charge Your Freelance Clients (Tips and Tools)

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How to Charge Your Freelance Clients (Tips and Tools)

Learn tips and tools for charging your clients in a fair and efficient way. Improve your freelance business… Read more

Up for Negotiations

Now for the fun part: the negotiation process. There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for negotiating, as the most appropriate strategy varies on a case-by-case basis. Ensure the final terms are fair for everyone involved. When haggling your price, consider the needs of the publication you’re writing for, as well as your own.

Find out when and how you’re going to be paid as well. Some websites pay on acceptance; others pay on publication. “Acceptance” means you’ll receive payment once your editor green-lights your piece. “Publication” means you’ll have to wait for your piece to show up on the website before you get paid, which could take weeks or months.

Payment Methods and Rights

Your target website might prefer popular payment services like PayPal or consider other options listed here. To learn more about invoicing your work, check out this professional invoicing guide.

In addition to rates, it’s essential to negotiate publication rights. These rights determine how a publication can use, re-use, and distribute your work across print and electronic media. Consult a lawyer or refer to understanding publication rights for writers before finalizing any agreements regarding rights with your editor.

Different payment gateway optionsDifferent payment gateway options

Include crucial details like your single point of contact, kill fees, allowances for revisions/rewrites, and deadlines, as explained in this comprehensive guide to freelance contract clauses. If you have any concerns about the contract or the assignment itself, address them with your editor now. Avoiding potential issues is always better than dealing with problems later.

Your Work’s Not Done (Yet)

Now that you’ve sorted everything out and your post is written, polished, published, and paid for, you might think you can relax. However, you still need to put effort into marketing your article. The details of this will be covered in the third (and final) part of this series.

The post Get Published (Part 2): Tips for Writing and Publishing Success appeared first on Hongkiat.

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